Making Room in Advent – 25 Devotions for a Season of Wonder - Bette Dickinson

Advent is a season of celebration, revelation, awe and anticipation. It’s the first season of the Christian year and starts on Sunday 27 November 2022. While much of our world falls into flurry and fuss preparing for the year’s end, the Church slows down to remember God’s coming, his advent – in Jesus, Emmanuel, light of the world. The notorious rush of Christmas can sweep us up and tempt us to push past our natural limits. But there's a different way you can choose—a way of spaciousness and peace in God's work.

This book is full of meaningful artwork, reflection, and prayers. The author invites all of your senses to behold the precursors to Christ's coming in Luke's Gospel. Through grounding imagery, visio divina, and Mary's example, Bette Dickinson guides readers to listen for, to notice, name and see the potential for the Holy Spirit's movement during this busy time.

What does your soul want to say to God as you thoughtfully enter this season of Advent? Have you started thinking about a way to engage with Advent this year?  What spiritual practices and ADVENTures do you hope to focus on at this special time?

Create room in your life for wonder this Advent.


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