Supervision Resources
How to prepare for a Supervision session
Have your notebook beside you. Relax, take some deep breaths and allow yourself to concentrate on your breathing for a minute or two. Then let your mind drift back over your work in the last month.
Some of the questions below may help to reflect on your work and your feelings about it.
What surfaces for you immediately? Notice it and let it go.
What things left you feeling pleased? In what way did they go well?
What interventions (i.e. things that you said or did) seemed to be most helpful?
What interactions have you enjoyed most? What were your feelings at the time?
What was difficult for you? How did you feel when experiencing these difficulties?
What were you/are you, uncertain about?
What are you looking forward to in your work in the future?
Are there any anxieties about your relationship with any of those in your care?
Are there some doubts/anxieties just ‘out of view’ that you would rather remained out of view? Identify the feelings not the items.
Suggestions of what to bring to a Supervision session
The most significant event in my work since my last supervision is…..
This incident, concern, person keeps pushing back into my mind….
When….. (this happened), it seemed to be a pattern repeating itself.
I am so (tired, elated, worried) about….
I want to clarify where I stand on a particular issue.
I seem to be avoiding/putting off….
I want to stop something like……… happening again.
I want to get something like……….. to happen more often.
I want to explore the feelings I have about………
When I am in the presence of this person, or anticipating seeing this person, I find myself thinking/feeling…….