Even The Sparrow - A Pilgrim’s Guide to Prayer, Trust, and Following the Leader
Brian Caston Brian Caston

Even The Sparrow - A Pilgrim’s Guide to Prayer, Trust, and Following the Leader

This honest, warm and compelling book speaks directly to those who long to encounter more of Jesus, to know how to tune into the small movements of the heart, and to have trust in every moment of their lives. With wisdom and wit, Jill explores prayer, discernment, vocation and leadership, offering encouragement that gives readers the confidence to say yes to what God is already doing.”

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Prepare your Heart for Lent – a season of repentance and renewal
Brian Caston Brian Caston

Prepare your Heart for Lent – a season of repentance and renewal

The season of Lent is a good time to consider setting aside something and/or take on something. As we prepare for Lent, prayerfully consider if God is inviting you to set something aside: an unhealthy habit? Something that is no longer serving you well? Something that would be a sacrifice?

Perhaps God is inviting you to take something on: a new spiritual practice? Acts of service? Recording gratitude? Remember that however you engage with Lent, the goals is to look to Christ, trusting him more, and becoming more like him.

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Remember Me by Sharon Garlough Brown

This is the sequel to Shades of Light, with an invitation into a journey of reflection through words and paintings of the stations of the cross.

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Making Room in Advent – 25 Devotions for a Season of Wonder - Bette Dickinson
Brian Caston Brian Caston

Making Room in Advent – 25 Devotions for a Season of Wonder - Bette Dickinson

Advent is a season of celebration, revelation, awe and anticipation. It’s the first season of the Christian year and starts on Sunday 27 November 2022. While much of our world falls into flurry and fuss preparing for the year’s end, the Church slows down to remember God’s coming, his advent – in Jesus, Emmanuel, light of the world. The notorious rush of Christmas can sweep us up and tempt us to push past our natural limits. But there's a different way you can choose—a way of spaciousness and peace in God's work.

This book is full of meaningful artwork, reflection, and prayers. The author invites all of your senses to behold the precursors to Christ's coming in Luke's Gospel. Through grounding imagery, visio divina, and Mary's example, Bette Dickinson guides readers to listen for, to notice, name and see the potential for the Holy Spirit's movement during this busy time.

What does your soul want to say to God as you thoughtfully enter this season of Advent? Have you started thinking about a way to engage with Advent this year? What spiritual practices and ADVENTures do you hope to focus on at this special time?

Create room in your life for wonder this Advent.

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Embracing Rhythms of Work and Rest
Brian Caston Brian Caston

Embracing Rhythms of Work and Rest

In our frenzied culture, the possibility of living in balanced rhythms of work and rest often feels elusive. This rings especially true for those of us who juggle competing commitments and who carry the weight of nonstop responsibility.

Sabbath is more than a practice – it is a way of life ordered around God’s invitation to regular rhythms of work, rest and replenishment.

A recognised and renowned author, Ruth Haley Barton, is a trustworthy guide for the person in need of deep rest. Capturing the joy of sabbath-keeping, she explores this tradition, through the wisdom of scripture and a practical approach, to reclaiming the gift of rest and re-centres the practice on God.

If you’re feeling frustrated, fatigued, despondent or are desperately searching for a different way forward then this book offers an invitation to take the next step into sabbath living. Learn how to make intentional and radical choices in order to live a sustainable life.

This book is for all those who deeply desire to find a new way of life together in community that brings true healing and wholeness.

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From Burned Out to Beloved: Soul Care for Wounded Healers
Brian Caston Brian Caston

From Burned Out to Beloved: Soul Care for Wounded Healers

From Burned Out to Beloved: Soul Care for Wounded Healers takes the reader on an important journey of self-discovery and spiritual renewal, enabling them to balance contemplation and activism in a way that brings healing and wholeness.

Bethany Dearborn Hiser offers the reader a refreshingly bold and practical resource for those seeking healthier patterns toward wholeness and sustainability. She guides the reader to excellent resources, reflective questions, and spiritual practices to heal the soul and help maintain caregiver health.

Whether you're a social worker, therapist, pastor, teacher, or healthcare professional, From Burned Out to Beloved is a trauma-informed soul care guide for all those working in high-stress, helping professions. It will equip you to confess your limitations, embrace your identity as a beloved child of God, and flourish in your vocation.

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Caregiving and Compassion Fatigue
Brian Caston Brian Caston

Caregiving and Compassion Fatigue

I’ve recently come across two new books for caregivers: Hope for Caregivers and Courage for Caregivers. If you're in the middle of caregiving, I'd recommend picking up Hope for Caregivers. It's filled with bite-size readings that will encourage you and help you feel seen. If you are a friend or family member of someone who is caregiving or if you foresee caregiving will be in your future, I'd definitely recommend reading Courage for Caregivers. Both books are hopeful, honest, and offer wisdom from Henri Nouwen, a caregiver himself for many years.

These resources offer guidance, inspiration and life-giving insight for caregivers. They affirm the sacred work of caregivers to help and heal and will support and encourage caregivers in any setting. Caregiving and compassion fatigue -whether it's short-term or long-term care, it can feel like a lonely journey, but you are not alone.

I recommend these books to spiritual directors, pastoral care providers, and any other people-helpers. Use them for personal reflection or in a group setting.


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Formatio books
Brian Caston Brian Caston

Formatio books

Formatio books from InterVarsity Press follow the rich tradition of the church in the journey of spiritual formation. These books are not merely about being informed, but about being transformed by Christ and conformed to his image. They integrate the Word with spiritual practice and prompt readers to move from inward change to outward witness. Great reading helps us to fulfil our deepest desire to be in God’s presence and to become our true selves in light of God’s grace.

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